Craigslist Q&A: Feline Leukemia

From Craigslist:


Q: nom nom nom nom

i want your pussy in my mouth

A: I thought a long time about how to best respond to this Craigslist posting. It uses some words like "nom" that we do not use in Oklahoma, or in any state that believes in a loving God and a strong America. People who write words like "nom nom nom" are often godless heathens who believe that we should not fight wars to protect our families. However, I believe in not discriminating too much against the less mentally fortunate so I decided that it must be answered because of the public health issue this posting from Craigslists raises.

Although cats look delicious there is a reason we do not eat them. Pussy cats contain a number of terrible diseases, not the most of which is feline leukemia. So remember, when you see a fluffy kitty it is not a food source. It should not go in your mouth at any time.

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