Is Big Business Really So Bad?

I hear about how lots a people is very upset that big business is running wild and taking over the country. People say, "Oh, Big Business, I hate that Big Business. The Big Business gives me gas. Big Business killed my babies." This only shows how little some Americans understand how things was supposed to be. America is a country that's all about protecting the little guy, and even though Big Business has the word "big" right there in the title, really we're only talking about a few people who are monguls and business owners. In America, just 1% of the people own about 40% of the Big Business.

This is a true thing I'm telling you. The movers and shakers of America compromise only a small segment of our society. They are what we call a ‘minority’ and in America this is not a good thing to be, as most Afro-Americans, Jews and queers will agree with me, because when there’s not enough of them, they don’t make any difference. We Americans live by the motto: Majority rules! And that’s fine, but you can’t roll over everybody else.

It isn’t very fair to knock one particular minority when they do better or worse than the others. Our Foundling Fathers took this in mind when they chartered the U.S. Constitution. That’s why they put in a chapter called “Checks and Balances”. They understood that when a majority gets their way in everything they stop being fair to those beneath them. This is called the Tierney of the Majority. It's not good!

Instead of hating Big Business, we ought to be proud of them. They are a minority that managed to take their small number of votes and peoples and pretty much tell the majority where to get off. I truly hope the other minorities will be able to do the same some day.

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