However, I don't want to dwell too much on the mistakes of the past, because they are often not really mistakes. Think of all the wonderful healing that has come from 9/11 and think that if I had answered those emails and guided him away from what he did, we never could have gotten all this coming together in America and the world and we would not be getting a new Freedom Tower and there would be less jobs. That is why I call the title of this post "Celebrating 9/11" and not "Being All Depressed and Second Guessing About 9/11." It's all about your mental attitude and outlook on life!

Are you proud, Al Qutta? You have made our
national bird cry.
national bird cry.
But new elements of what happened that day are always coming to light and I want to share one for you that just has come to my light on this anniversary week.
On the website of a paranormal investigator she writes about what her cousin saw from a boat off the coast of Manhattan that doomed day around dusk. She says:
"As they sat on the boat watching they all started to notice at once something very odd going on at the ground zero site. Over the buildings , above the city they realized they were seeing flashes of what looked like light rising from the top of what was left of the tower complex rising up into the darkening sky. The group of people sitting on the boats watched in silence as this strange activity increased until they witnessed hundreds of ghost like white wisps rise from the ground and lift into the night sky. The people watching started to cry as they all were sure at what they were watching. My cousin talked to me a few days later and she told me they looked like a white glowing shape about body size and that the entire thing lasted for only a hour or so and then it slowed and stopped."
We all know about the terrible events of 9/11 but what chills me to my blood is that before today I never knew that Al Qutta used trained ghosts to attack America! Terrorist suicide ghosts in a second strike attack! If they had been successful, New York City would have been haunted for years!
Thank goodness for our brave men and women in the CIA, the FBI and the NASA who defeated this "Second Strike." I think they all deserve our gratimuchitude.

And maybe they also deserve a free order of medium fries.
It is clear that BK went out of business because
they care too damn much. There's no room
for honor and respect for the military in the
cut throat world of fast food.
It is clear that BK went out of business because
they care too damn much. There's no room
for honor and respect for the military in the
cut throat world of fast food.
Thank you for being you, Doctor Julia Wonder! I love you!