coming at him with a broken bottle.
I hope he knows krav maga!
Have you seen that TV program, Intervention? Where the whole family surrounds a gal, and sometimes they even get her parents to come in and cry, and they tell her that she has a drinking problem and has to get help? Is that how you were brought up? To always believe what other people tell you? What if they told you to go jump off a bridge? Would you do that?
For people in these Intervention situations I have one thing to say: Grow a backbone!
Also, let's be honest, there are some people who are flat-out intolerable when they aren't drinking and we all agree that most non-celebrities are more fun and more full of insight after five or eleven drinks.
All these prohibitionary types keep saying that alcohol changes your personality. I agree. For the better! And that's why I say, Alcohol: What's the Big Deal?
(This has been yet another Here Then Now Guidance and Light Delivery Workshop Moment. Or it's easier just to say, HTNGLDWMs!)
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